Wednesday, September 10, 2008

sign for my sewing room - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more This came from the Generator Blog and its call animated neon sign. Loads of fun.

Library Thing

I learned about Library Thing last year. I thought this would be a great way to keep track of my quilting books. I have a lot of quilting books and need to get a handle on them. I registered added some title and then lost track of time. I just can't get away from the sewing machine. Here's my catalog.

Learn & Play : finding feeds

I liked Technorati the best. I found it easy to use and easy to navigate. was information overload. Too much information and I was unclear of what to do. was just okay.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

RSS Feeds

This is something I think I would have to monitor closely. This could be addicting. I could see me signing up for every blog out there that would be of interest to me. I could run amok in the quilt world. Professionally, I subscribe to 2 genealogy blog. From these blogs I found lots of useful information anything from an new website to new books or an new technique. These blogs have helped me immensely when helping customers their family history.